Facebook Live Checklist | What to do Before, During, and After a Facebook Live

The Facebook game is changing! A year ago I would have told you that posting four times a day, including a strong call to action in your post, encouraging comments, likes, and being consistent will ensure your posts will be seen and heard on Facebook.  That’s simply not true today.  Facebook launched their live platform for everyone in April of 2016 and ever since, they’ve prioritized live broadcasts in their News Feed. This means that Facebook will give preference to live videos over other forms of posting. If you haven’t started going LIVE on Facebook, NOW is the time! I know it can seem a little scary at first to go live. But remember, if people are following you it’s because they WANT to hear from you. The more you practice, the better you will get with your broadcasts. Today, I’m going to share with you what to do BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER a Facebook Live to help ease your stress. Watch the video below.  Plus, I’ve created a FREE Facebook Live Checklist for you to download as a quick reference guide for when you want to go live.  Print this out and put it where you can see it before your next live broadcast.

Plus, I’ve created a FREE Facebook Live Checklist for you to download as a quick reference guide for when you want to go live.  Print this out and put it where you can see it before your next live broadcast.

I want to see your LIVES!  Leave a comment with a link to your Facebook Live.

Have an awesome day,



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